InEffects™ Speckle
For speckled and granite effects in plastics and solid surfaces.
Manufactured in the USA to meet high performance standards, InEffects™ Speckle is formulated to be highly thermally-stable and resistant to most processing conditions. InEffects™ Speckle is FDA-compliant, and has excellent light resistance and chemical stability.
Previously sold as Megaspecks™, InEffects™ Speckle boasts a new and updated formula, with better expected tolerances and even tighter compliances for sensitive applications.
InEffects™ Speckle is readily available in Black and White at three standard sizes. Our Small, Medium and Large sizes have an aesthetically curved particle distribution, with median particle sizes of 250, 500, and 1,000 microns. We also offer custom development, including sizing and color matching to meet your specific needs.
InEffects™ Speckle can be introduced to plastic as a masterbatch colorant, as a liquid colorant, or can be added into any processing method. InEffects™ Speckle is resistant to the shear and heat seen during extrusion, blow molding, and injection molding processes.
InEffects™ Speckle for solid surfaces is introduced in the polymer-colorant blend before curing.

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